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LAS VEGAS_색다른 시선으로 여행한 라스베이거스

뚜르드몽드  2016년 11월 257호|12page


잡지명 뚜르드몽드  2016년 11월 257호
잡지사 제이앤엘커뮤니케이션즈(주)홈페이지
「뚜르드몽드」는 여행을 좋아하는 사람들의 대표적 여행 지침서로 여행 지역 정보, 호텔, 먹거리 등을 소개하여 여행의 재미를 알려주는 최고의 여행 전문지입니다.

Best Friendly Travel Magazine, Monthly ‘Tour de Monde’ Since the first publication in 1996, has been highly recognized as a unique guidebook by people who love to travel. tells vivid stories about various cities, people, cultures, festivals and foods by collecting materials right on the spot. is constantly searching for new discoveries and feeling to be conveyed to readers and make their traveling experience even more fascinating.

-Received an official Commendation from the Prime Minister in 2006, the Small & Medium Business Administration in 2016, the Ministry of Culture & Tourism in 2002

-Nominated for the excellence & specialty Magazine in 1999, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016