[월간 에세이] 문학뿐만 아니라, 각 예술분야, 문화, 사회, 경제, 시사, 상식 등의 다양한 분야의 전문적인 글들을 전하고 있는 에세이 전문지
Essay Monthly is aimed at adopting new approaches to the genre of essay. The magazine is consisted of a number of sections: “Encounter`, the main feature of the magazine, delivering the life stories of our outstanding contributors; `Essay With A Painting` introducing essays written by artists whose work is the cover of the relevant issue of the magazine; `Essay With A Poem` introducing new poetical works; `Essay Of The Month` introducing new essays written by new authors; and `Family` offering family related essays to rediscover the true meaning of family in the modern society.