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Makimg Dacu 소니 α7S로 촬영한 일곱 엄마들의 연극 도전기 영화 ‘장기자랑’
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[비디오플러스] 디스플레이 및 HD카메라 전문정보를 수록하고 있으며, 촬영기술, 영상촬영과 관련된 기기 등을 소개하고 있는 촬영기기 전문 매거진
Videoplus is a professional magazine devoted to the development of the Korean video industry in the digital video age of the 21st century. The video industry, which has started digital broadcasting, and the movie industry in Korea are seeing new trends. Therefore, demands of production and post-production equipments is on a steady increase. Videoplus introduces latest technologies on DVs, video graphics, and video makers.