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잡지명 | 전원주택라이프 2024년 4월호 | |
잡지사 | 전우문화사홈페이지 | |
잡지소개 | ||
「전원주택라이프」는 아파트를 떠나 아름다운 전원생활을 소개한다. 살고 싶은 전원주택을 소개하고, 국내외 전원생활에 관련된 심도있는 특집 기사와 전원주택의 설계, 건축과정, 건축방법, 자재 등의 정보를 제공하는 전원생활 전문 매거진 “Monthly Country Home & Life” has been published since 1999. Each issue delivers lots of inspiration to guide your own home building, renovation and decoration projects. Editorial Focus Country home and people - Diverse kinds of houses in countryside - Construction building process and costs - Life stories about various people living in countryside Enjoy your country life - Interior advices and gardening tips with introducing nice gardens ▶ Country life information - Providing in-depth reports about news, law and system of country home ▶ Construction companies, materials - Giving the information about construction companies and materials. |